Discover all the parasite sites used by your competitors to gain free Google traffic
The Chrome extension that helps you find the best Parasite sites for your keyword
Parasite sites are high-authority platforms where you can publish content. By leveraging the authority of the parasite site, you can easily rank on the first page, or even in the top position, of Google search results for a given keyword. For every keyword you enter into Google, Parasite SEO Wizard will instantly provide you with a list of all the parasite sites already present in the Google SERP. It automatically detects 5 types of parasite sites: exact match domains, free parasite sites, paid parasite sites, marketplaces and Video Parasite. In just a moment, you’ll know if it’s worth targeting this keyword with your own favorite parasite sites. If few or no parasites appear in the results, then bingo, you’ve found a golden opportunity

Display results directly in google search results and in extension popup

Find parasite websites directly in the Google results.
Our Chrome extension modifies the display of Google search results to highlight all the parasite websites present in the search results. We add a rectangle containing three main pieces of information: the domain name of the parasite site, its position in the search results, and the type of parasite site.
The rectangle has three different colors: blue for free parasite sites, red for paid parasite sites, and orange for marketplaces.
The same found parasite websites are simultaneously added to the table of the graphical interface.

Get statistics on the best parasite site categories for your keyword directly from the popup.
With the popup statistics display, you can immediately see how many parasite sites rank on your keyword by category. This way, you’ll know which category of parasite site isn’t ranking on that keyword, or isn’t being used at all. So you’ll know which category Google puts more easily at the top of search results, or simply which category has little or no presence in search results, and on which you need to create your parasite content.

The complete list of parasite sites found in google results directly displayed in a table
To simplify the overall view and facilitate the saving of results, we have added all the found parasite websites from Google results into a table located in the graphical interface. Simply click on the extension icon, and the graphical interface will open with the results table. The table contains important information such as the keyword entered in Google, the parasite domain, its position in Google results, the type of parasite site, and the URL of the page. Export table content to Excel or Google Sheets with a simple Export Table button
6 reasons to buy Parasite SEO Wizard

Free Parasites Websites Finder
Free Parasite Sites are websites where you can generally post an article or a product description. You then take advantage of the site’s authority to rank well on Google within a few days. If you find free parasite sites, it’s a sign that there is money to be made with this keyword. If your favorite site is already on the list, then perform better or publish on another free parasite site.

Parasite Paid Articles Finder
Paid Parasite Sites are websites where you can pay to have an article published with a link to a page on your site or directly to an affiliate link. This is known as sponsored articles. You pay to publish an article on a highly authoritative news site, which gives you a strong chance of quickly reaching the first page of Google. This strategy complements the free parasite site strategy.

Parasite Marketplaces Finder
Sometimes, the product owner or an affiliate competitor posts a product on marketplaces like Amazon or eBay. This is a parasite SEO technique because they leverage the domain authority of platforms like Amazon to rank in the top 3 Google search results, typically for a branded product keyword.

Parasite Exact Match Domains Finder
Parasite SEO Wizard checks if there is an official site or if black hat SEOs have attempted the exact match domain strategy. This strategy involves purchasing a domain name that contains the targeted keyword. There can be multiple exact match domains for the same keyword. This technique is very powerful for aiming for the top position on Google.

Find videos used as parasite sites on your keyword
Parasite SEO Wizard gives you all the information you need on the videos (mainly YouTube) that rank for your keyword. These videos are generally created by affiliates to use the power of Youtube as a parasite site to position themselves in Google results. If Parasite SEO Wizard tells you that Youtube videos are ranking at the top of Google results, then you can do better than your competitors and rank at the top of Google too.

Get summary information directly in the plugin interface
In the graphical interface of the Parasite SEO Wizard popup, you have access to summary information to help you make the right decision. You’ll quickly see which type of parasite site Google prefers to highlight for your keyword. You’ll also be able to see which categories of parasite sites have no competitors, and therefore offer you a golden opportunity to earn Google traffic – and money – fast.
Parasites Websites
Huge Database of Parasite Websites
The Parasite SEO Wizard Chrome extension recognizes a huge database of free, paid, and marketplace parasite websites. This database is updated regularly. If a new parasite website ranks well on Google, we add it to our extension and release an update. This ensures that the results you receive are the best and most accurate for making your choice.
5 Colors for 5 Types of Parasite Websites
All Exact Match Domains sites highlighted by a red box in Google results
Free parasite sites highlighted by a Blue box in Google results
paid parasite sites highlighted by a black box in Google results
Marketplace sites highlighted by an orange box in Google results
Videos platforms highlighted by an Green box in Google results
Samples of FREE PARASITE Websites
Medium, Google Groups, Google Site, Issuu, reddit, Linkedin, Amazon S3, Github, and many more
Samples of PAID PARASITE Websites
Forbes, Jerusalem Post, Outlookindia, indiatimes,ndtv,nbc,usatoday and many more
Samples of MarketPlaces, (and other), ebay, alibaba, aliexpres, rakuten and others
Get your Chrome Extension NOW 😉
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1/ Download Parasite SEO Wizard from Google Webstore
by clicking HERE
2/ Choose Your Licence
Parasite Seo Wizard - Chrome Extenstion
One Year Licence - Updates & Support- One Year Licence
- One Year Free Updates & SupportÂ
- BEST FREE and PAID Parasite list
- Only one installation
- Key Licence sent by email (Please check your SPAM Folder)
Parasite Seo Wizard - Chrome Extenstion
Lifetime Licence - Updates & Support- Lifetime Licence
- One Year Free Updates & Support ($29 for a one-year extension
- BEST FREE and PAID Parasite list
- Max of 3 installations
- Key Licence sent by email (Please check your SPAM Folder)
What happens if I don’t renew updates with a lifetime license?
You will still be able to use your Chrome extension without any issues. The only difference is that you won’t benefit from the latest paid or free parasite sites. These parasite sites evolve every year, and we monitor the latest parasite sites that rank well on Google for you.
Does it work in all countries?
Parasite SEO Wizard works in all countries. However, there are some limitations on the TLDs (country codes) of Google. Regardless of your country, the extension works with .com; otherwise, here are the other Google country codes for which our extension works:
Do you Refund ?
You can request a refund within 3 days of your purchase (this does not include the renewal of update subscriptions). Beyond this 3-day period, no refunds will be issued. But rest assured, our extension is so powerful that the refund rate is nearly zero.
How do I update my extension?
If we release a new update, you will be notified by email. You will have a link to the new version of the extension; all you need to do is install it and reconnect with your email and your license.
Why not offer a trial version?
We had three options. First solution: provide a limited trial version. However, our extension only delivers its full potential in the complete version. Second solution: generate trial keys for a few days. But this option seemed unappealing as we would have had many curious users who didn’t intend to buy. Finally, we decided to offer the full version with a 3-day refund policy. The last solution seemed the best to us.